Why not find out by trying our Archery Range?

Archery is a skillful sport requiring balance, poise, accuracy, vision, timing, and action – they all combine in a test of nerve. No need to pull any strings – just give us a call at 07970 884694 and let us guide you to your target. Archery is one of the oldest arts still practiced..

Target Archery

This is the type of archery you are most likely to be familiar with and is the Olympic form of the sport. It consists of shooting a given number of arrows at targets at a set distance.

Why not find out by trying our Archery Range?

Takes place on a course of targets set out in rough country (often woodland). The shooting distances are frequently unmarked so archers have to rely on judgment and instinct. As well as the traditional targets, field archery can also include animal targets

Style of Bow we use:

This is the only bow style allowed at the Olympics. Mainly associated with target archery, and ideal as a starter bow, recurve is the most popular style of archery in the UK
There are two other different kinds of bows Compound and Bare Bow. We do not use these as they are not allowed in Olympic competitions.
  • Compound: This bow has pulleys and cables to make the holding weight less than half of the draw weight.
  • Bare Bow: This is a Recurve bow without mechanical sight or stabilizers.

Right or Left Handed?

History of Archery

Although archery probably dates to the Stone Age (around 20’000 BC), the earliest people known to have used bows and arrows were the ancient Egyptians, who adopted archery at least 5000 years ago for purposes of hunting and warfare.

History of Archery

Although archery probably dates to the Stone Age (around 20’000 BC), the earliest people known to have used bows and arrows were the ancient Egyptians, who adopted archery at least 5000 years ago for purposes of hunting and warfare. In China, archery dates back to the Shang dynasty (1766-1027 BC). A war chariot of that time carried a three-man team: driver, lancer, and archer. During the ensuing Zhou (Chou) dynasty (1027-256 BC) nobles at court attended sport archery tournaments that were accompanied by music and interspersed with elegant salutations.


Arrows in the classic bow events can travel in excess of 150 miles per hour. They are made of either aluminum or carbon graphite. Aluminum arrows are more uniform in weight and shape, while graphite arrows fly faster. We offer a range of beginners' kits that contain all the essentials needed to start shooting.

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You must be aged 10 +
Activity can last 1 or 2 hours
Minimum group of 2 upwards
We provide Full safety equipment – arm guards, and finger tabs.
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